2024: We are extremely excited to announce that Sodexo has earned its place on the prestigious CDP A List for climate, confirming our ambitious and committed work on climate action. This is a testimony to the hard work of not only the sustainability teams, who were pivotal in this achievement, but also all of Sodexo’s teams across the globe.
We are the only company in our sector to be A scored in the CDP Climate which recognizes us as global leaders in environmental transparency, based on our Climate Change disclosure.
Why this is important? Being on CDP A list not only showcases a company’s commitment to environmental sustainability but also brings tangible business benefits in terms of:
- Enhanced reputation
- Competitive advantage
- Increased transparency and trust among our stakeholders
- Investor attraction
- Being ahead of regulatory environmental requirements.
Sustainable & Healthful Food Purchasing Policy
A 2021 Sustainable and Healthful Food Purchasing Policy was written to establish a common interpretation of what Sustainable Procurement encompasses within Lehigh University and to ensure University personnel consider social and environmental responsibility as factors in their purchasing decisions. Click here to view the policy.
Common Market Partnership
In an effort to increase its local procurement, Lehigh Dining officially partnered with Common Market of Philadelphia. Common Market provides fresh local foods to Lehigh Dining from farms such as Flint Hill Farm, which is located only 8.5 miles from Lehigh's Campus as well as many other local farms. Common Market's goal is to strengthen regional farms and make their items more accessible. Keep an eye out at all of the Lehigh Dining locations for local food! To learn more about Common Market visit: commonmarketphila.org/ and check out this video from Common Market:
Buy Fresh, Buy Local Greater Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Dining is committed to providing the students with fresh and local produce when in season and available. Our team continually reaches out to local farms to partner with local vendors in order to maintain the high quality and safe food we eat. Our two major vendors we purchase from partner with a variety of local farms in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. (BFBL) is a national program that connects consumers to fresh, locally grown foods. The Greater Lehigh Valley chapter of BFBL (BFBL-GLV) is helping residents of Berks, Lehigh, and Northampton Counties find, choose, and appreciate great locally grown foods, while supporting the farmers and lands that produce them. As a member of BFBL, Lehigh Dining strives to purchase fresh produce, dairy, meats, breads, and event planning rentals from local farmers and local businesses to support growth in our own communities.
Food Recovery Network
We also participate in uniting students at Lehigh University to fight food waste and hunger by participating in the Food Recovery Network. FRN supports the recovery of perishable food that would otherwise go to waste from campus and donate to people in need.
Green Restaurant Certified
Rathbone Student Restaurant officially earned its status as a four-star certified green restaurant in 2024. This accreditation recognizes the 43 environmental steps required for the certification and provides a transparent way to measure our environmental accomplishments, while providing a pathway for the next steps we can take toward increased environmental sustainability.
Fair Trade Certified
Lehigh Dining proudly serves Fair Trade Certified Coffee in all locations across campus. We offer Starbucks, Seattle’s Best, Community Coffee, and Aspretto. All Coffees across campus are Certified Organic and/or Fair Trade Certified. Each vendor is doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint and give back to their local communities. Starbucks continues their commitment to lead the entire industry.
ReusePass: Eco-Container Program
Lehigh Dining is teaming up with ReusePass to eliminate trash waste generated by takeout food containers! This new program will provide reusable containers for your take-out needs at Rathbone and Brodhead Dining Halls, as well as the Clayton University Center. They are sturdier, less wasteful, and will help Lehigh University as we work towards a sustainable future. For this to work, we are going to need your help!
If you'd like to participate in the reusables program, visit ReusePass, select Lehigh University and sign up!
Reusable Dishware Program
Having an event? Think twice before using disposable dishes that get thrown away and end up in a local landfill. The Reusable Dishware program, sponsored by Student Auxiliary Services and Dining Services, is easy, FREE for student organizations and better for all of us. Please click here to submit your request.
Lehigh University Earns "A" on Vegan Report Card
Published by Peta2, Lehigh University earned an"A" for its vegan offerings on campus. For more information about the grade and its criteria, please click here.